In 1979, two 1944 H-Ds were discovered in the basement of a house in the town of Martinez in Northern California, left behind by a legend with a prosthetic leg. Removing the layers of dust that had accumulated revealed two 1944 motorcycles. One, a Knucklehead, went to Greg Wood, and the other, a Flathead, went to Mark Wiebens. The two bikers have been inseparable since the‘60s and have continued riding the two war-period H-Ds into this century. Ken Nagahara from our Bay Area branch got the scoop!
The World Finest Motorcycleの開発──そんな見果てぬ夢を抱くふたりのエンジニア、George M.HendeeとOscar Hedstromの邂逅に端を発する物語。 創業1897年の歴史を従えるINDIAN MOTORCYCLEが捻り上げた不朽の名作と、 それらが放つ独自の世界観に魅せられた好事家たちを紹介しよう。
The story written by America’s oldest motorcycle maker The story of Indian began with a chance encounter between George M. Hendee and Oscar Heedstrom, two engineers who dreamed of creating the world’s finest motorcycles. Let us introduce you to some of the timeless masterpieces produced by Indian Motorcycle throughout its history, which began with its opening in 1897, and to the enthusiasts who were captivated by the unique worldview those motorcycles express.
Atsushi Yasui, owner of the apparel label Freewheelers, has an undying affection for vintage bikes and an insatiable thirst for speed. Here, we document this vintage bike collector’s life and his treasured collection.
Following the success of Hawgholic’s first exhibition in 8 years at Born-Free, held in the LA suburbs, Gak Yokomizo headed out with friends on an extraordinary trip into the wilderness.
Chirihama Sandflats was held from Sept 24-25, 2022 on the beautiful Noto Peninsula at the northern tip of the Chirihama Nagisa Driveway, finally back to normal with an audience present.
From October 1 to November 13 at Pacela shopping mall in Hiroshima City, vintage motorcycle specialists Bankara held a large exhibition of their treasured collection, which is the envy of motorcycle maniacs.
FOREVER AN AMERICAN LEGEND / Ralph Hubert“Sonny”Barger