Among the H-Ds described as vintage, the Knucklehead has a charm that sets it apart from the others. Here, we give you a one-of-a-kind story involving this eternal masterpiece.
With the relaxation of pandemic-related travel restrictions, chopper freaks from around the world flocked to the event. Beneath the dazzling sunshine, attendees chatted loudly while downing beers like water. The atmosphere inspired belief in the idea that everyone is born free.
[ ART OF SPEED 12th in Malaysia ]
昨今、アジア圏のカスタムシーンがとみに活況を呈しているのは周知の通り。その熱源のひとつたるモンスターショー、馬国“Art of Speed”に潜入せり!
It is well known that the custom scene in Asia has been experiencing a rapid boom in recent years. One source fueling this phenomenon has been Malaysia’s monster show, “Art of Speed.” Let’s have a look!